Any one that would like me to review a product or book is also welcome to contact me. I only read adult books so, no YA books. I prefer to read erotic, contemporary, paranormal, and some suspense romance. I will also do non-fiction books that are related to sex.
To request a review on a product or book:
1. Email me
2. In the subject line put “Submitting book/product for review”
3. In the email:
- For book reviews please include title, synopsis, genre, and release information. If you would like to do anything else for example: a guest blog, interview, and/or giveaways please add that information as well
- For product reviews please include title, what type of product it is, and any other information or specifics you would like to be posted in the review. Also, please include a link if possible.
- For all reviews:
1. Please state the date you would like for the review to be posted by.
2. If, for any reason, I have a negative opinion and you would like me to contact you first, I will do so if stated in the email.
3. If you would like to do a giveaway as part of the review please add the giveaway information. Please include any requirements you would like my followers to do, such as visit your website, like you on Facebook, etc.
Sponsoring Giveaways-
I would love for any company, author, or publisher to sponsor a giveaway on my blog. Just email all the information about the product or the book like you would for a review. In the subject like please put “Sponsor a giveaway”. When a winner is chosen I will send you all the required information and you can see to it they receive their prize or you can ship the prize in advanced to me and I will see that the winner gets it.
FTC Disclaimer-
In accordance with FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements: The majority of books and merchandise reviewed on Erotic 911 have been received from an author, publisher or company. In these instances I have not received any monitory compensation in return for the reviews and/or endorsement posted on this blog. Although I have received a sample product for the purposes of the review. Receiving this product will in no way effect my review as they are my own opinions and experiences from using said product.